Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Awesome News of the Day

So, I found out today at the yearly Lawrence University Activities Fair (which tech crew did not have to set up, thank the gods, sooooo many tables) that we had a Crafting Club. How awesome is that? How did I not know that this existed before now? I'm so excited.

Also exciting - Today while we were doing our 'beginning of the school year' shopping trip, I got a call from "Motherhood Maternity" asking me to come in for an interview. I only picked up an application there for the sheer irony of the idea of me working in a maternity clothing store, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, particularly if that horse is the only store that has actually called me back for an interview. The store manager is a real sweet lady and she seems to like me, so I'm crossing my fingers on this one. I don't think it would be too bad a job. Wish me luck.

In further good news, my IUD insertion is scheduled for Thursday. I'm sort of worried about the possible pain, but I've set aside a day to do nothing but veg just in case I don't feel well after and the excitement is definitely winning out over the nervousness. I'm gonna be as good as sterile with a chance of no period. It's like a dream come true.

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